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Foster & Adoption

Becoming a foster parent or adopting from foster care is one of the most impactful actions you can take to help a foster child. Over 600,000 children will experience foster care each year, and 1 child enters foster care every 2 minutes. 

Unfortunately, there is a national shortage of foster parents and over 100,000 children and teens waiting for adoption. This shortage causes many siblings to be separated, increases the number of home moves they will experience, and causes education delays and additional trauma.


With fewer homes to place children in many states, children are waiting in welfare offices and hotels. Their ages range from infants to teens. 

The first step is to reach out to one of our charity partners near you


It's easy, pressure-free, and the perfect place to get all the info you need to make this big decision for a child and your family. Many of our partners hold open houses and info sessions, and they will walk you through the whole process. Ticket to Dream has vetted all of our charity partners and wholeheartedly recommends them! 

Want to Learn More About Becoming a Foster Parent
One Child Enters Foster Care Every Two Minutes
Foster Parent Extending Hand
Create a Free Will Online
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